Wednesday, October 22, 2008

58 Days until....

my vacation! The final payment was billed yesterday so it is official, I am going! I called Gap Adventures the other day to find out whether we would retain our hotel room in Quito for the entire trip and they said no. We will be moving about and staying in different hotels. So, now I am debating which bag to bring. I saw a really great Samsonite hard side, garment bag at Macy's the other day, but I cannot bring myself to spend $250 on one bag. It was really nice! I will live with a bag that I already own-unless I find the Samsonite bag for less than 100 bucks.

I did have a moment of concern as the economy continues to tank and businesses started to go under. I wondered if it was wise for me to be gone 18 days at the end of the year. Then, I thought HELL YES it is wise. If they do not know me at the office by now, they never will:) I need a freaking vacation in the jungle away for the daily requirements of life.

I keep thinking and saying how cool I feel it would be to descend into the jungle and never ascend. Several people think that I am kidding but I must state unequivocally that I am very serious. Much like I quit my job for a year and volunteering, I am one to do things out of the ordinary and I can truly feel the release that staying in Ecuador could potentially offer. However, I do not think that I will stay for many reasons, but this is heavy on my mind so do not be surprised if in 5 years or so, I announce that I am leaving.

I would really like to say bye bye to credit cards, the house payment, the car payment and go and just live as simple as one possibly can. I would like to work at the local restaurant washing dishes and send my evening hiking or walking on the beach. I would like to never hear a phone ring, not be tied to the internet, walk or ride a bike where ever I go without worrying about getting hit by a truck. I would like to "write letters home" and get letters in the mail. Maybe I am just tired or maybe I have watched to many movies but for past year or so, I have really wanted to just pack up, give most of my crap away, and say bye bye to the USA.

Sure, the US is a great place to live and it has been good to me. However, it is not the only place to live and I have no idea if it is the best place for me to live, and as an adult I have never lived anywhere else. So, I guess what you are reading is my possible 5 year plan. Maybe it will not be if I go on vacation and I am revived.

However, when I think about what I am going to do next with my life (there is always a next for me) I have one thing in mind for work, but that will be for a while, then I will be ready for the next thing. I knew when I finished my year of volunteering in 2005 that I would drop out of the workforce again and do something drastic. So, maybe leaving everything and getting out of the US will be my "next thing".

Stay tuned.......

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Countdown to Vacation